radattribution-sdk-android / com.rakuten.attribution.sdk / RakutenAdvertisingAttribution
object RakutenAdvertisingAttribution
An object that encapsulates various features of RAdAttribution SDK, like sending events and links resolving
Name | Summary |
resolve | fun resolve(link: String , callback: (( Result < RAdDeepLinkData >) -> Unit )? = null): Unit |
sendEvent | fun sendEvent(name: String , eventData: EventData ? = null, customData: CustomData = emptyMap(), contentItems: Array < ContentItem > = emptyArray(), callback: (( Result < RAdSendEventData >) -> Unit )? = null): Unit Sends event to server |
setup | fun setup(context: Context , configuration: Configuration ): Unit Setups RAdAttribution SDK. Should be called before SDK usage. |