
RakutenAdvertising Attribution Android SDK

All Types

Name Summary
com.rakuten.attribution.sdk.Configuration A type that provides an ability to configure SDK
com.rakuten.attribution.sdk.ContentItem A class that represents purchased item info
com.rakuten.attribution.sdk.CustomData A dictionary to put custom data associated with event
com.rakuten.attribution.sdk.EventData A class that represents details of event data
com.rakuten.attribution.sdk.EventSender A class that can send various events via SDK
com.rakuten.attribution.sdk.LinkResolver A class that can resolve links via SDK
com.rakuten.attribution.sdk.RAdDeepLinkData A class that represents response on link resolving operation
com.rakuten.attribution.sdk.RAdSendEventData A class that represents response on link event sending operation
com.rakuten.attribution.sdk.RakutenAdvertisingAttribution An object that encapsulates various features of RAdAttribution SDK, like sending events and links resolving
com.rakuten.attribution.sdk.Result Container to return result of asynchronous methods
com.rakuten.attribution.sdk.UserData A class that represents user specific data